lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

El valor de la antropologia

Companies have been harnessing the social sciences, including ethnography, since the 1930s. Back then executives were mostly interested in figuring out how to make their employees more productive. But since the 1960s, when management gurus crowned the consumer king, companies have been tapping ethnographers to get a better handle on their customers. Now, as more and more businesses re-orient themselves to serve the consumer, ethnography has entered prime time.

The beauty of ethnography, say its proponents, is that it provides a richer understanding of consumers than does traditional research. Yes, companies are still using focus groups, surveys, and demographic data to glean insights into the consumer’s mind. But closely observing people where they live and work, say executives, allows companies to zero in on their customers’ unarticulated desires. “It used be that design features were tacked on to the end of a marketing strategy,” says Timothy deWaal Malefyt, an anthropologist who runs “cultural discovery” at ad firm BBDO Worldwide. “Now what differentiates products has to be baked in from the beginning. This makes anthropology far more valuable.”


2 comentarios:

Punk de boutique dijo...

Hola, andamos en lo mismo...porque no te das una vuelta por mi blogg y hacemos feedback...
de entrada te digo que es necesario utilizar este tipo de herramientas para seguir buscando el punto medio en cuanto a la aproximación efectiva al consumidor...y no sólo al sujeto como un individuo en vías de independencia colectiva (perspectiva tan chata de la encuesta o el mismo focus group que le apuesta al lenguaje como el único elemento de expresión del sujeto o la respuesta como un hecho total). Me refiero al complejo mundo del consumidor, ese mundo líquido tan complejo y poco sencillo de entender (y más si no se tiene el tiempo para ver a profundidad y se menosprecia los avances d ela ciencia social)...en todo caso sigo buscando lugares, que como el tuyo, se pueda reflexionar con lo que se dice que reflexionamos las agencias de investigación del consumidor

Cristobal Cabo Cahn-speyer dijo...

Gracias por el comentario. Saludo Cristobal.